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Awards & Recognition
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Honors & Awards

Woman Business Owner of the Year

Woman Business Owner of the Year 

"In 6 short years, The Energy CFO has evolved and diversified her business more than some companies have in 20 years.  The ability to be so innovative is a great talent, and Paula will continue to rise and be even more successful than she is now", says Shirley Crandall, President of NAWBO San Antonio.
2019 Winner NAWBO Woman Business Owner Award Paula Waggoner-Aguilar CEO The Energy CFO Nat
NAWBO San Antonio National Association of Women Business Owners

Paula Waggoner-Aguilar, CEO and Founder of The Energy CFO® (The Healthcare CFO's parent company and Managing CFO), is one of six San Antonio women who are recipients of the prestigious National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) 2019 Woman Business Owner Award.  Paula founded The Energy CFO in the heart of the Eagle Ford back in 2013 at the apex of the Shale boom in South Texas.  She is one of a very small number of women entrepreneurs (and female cfos) in the oil and gas business.  She has overcome many obstacles, including navigating her firm through one of the worst energy sector downturns since the 1980s.  

Photograph: Paula Waggoner-Aguilar and Roland Aguilar, CFO Co-owners attending NAWBO's Small Business Awards


#Womenmeanbusiness #Womeninfinance

C Suite Awards Best CFO Private Companies

C-Suite Awards: Best CFO Private Companies

Our founder and parent company CEO, Paula Waggoner-Aguilar, was awarded Best CFO for Private Medium Companies by her peers and the San Antonio Business Journal.  Paula helps “…hard driving entrepreneurs and executives startup, fix, and grow companies for a living”.  She is one of a small group of female cfos and GenX energy professionals who have logged more than 25 years in the industry by working internationally and domestically.  These days you will find her working from her San Antonio, Texas office working for private companies in energy, technology, healthcare, and manufacturing across Texas and the US. Paula is a Texas CPA in good standing and specializes in both corporate and entrepreneurial finance.    She is also an advanced Spanish speaker.

#bestcfo #womeninenergy #womeninhealthcare

Paula Waggoner-Aguilar Managing Chief Financial Officer Winner C-Suite Awards Best CFO Pri
San Antonio C-Suite Awards Winner Best Chief Financial Officer Managing CFO Paula Waggoner
SABJ San Antonio Business Journal Awards
Best CFO Award Winner
Other Honors & Awards

Other Awards Received

Our Parent Company and founder has received additional energy industry honors and awards over the years. If you would like read about these, see The Energy CFO's Honors and Award webpage.

About Us
The Healthcare CFO is a Virtual CFO Advisory and Business Consulting Firm. We help physician-owned practices, family-owned businesses and direct investment, and executives of private medical and health services, biotech and life sciences, medical device manufacturers, health tech and b2b healthcare companies accelerate their growth and take them to the next level.  We offer a range of specialized Outsourced CFO Services including Physician CFO Services, (for medical practices and doctors), Virtual Interim and Fractional CFO Services, Startup CFO Solutions, Outsourced Financial Planning and Data Analytics Services (FP&A), Cash Flow Forecasting, Profitability Consulting, Strategic Advisory Services, and Board Advisory Services.  The Healthcare CFO serves clients across Texas: Austin, San Antonio, Houston Metro, Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex, Texas Gulf Coast, and West Texas.

The Healthcare CFO, LLC is a division of CFO Award Winner The Energy CFO, LLC. and is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. Both firms are woman majority owned businesses. 

Houston, Texas
CFO Services 832-521-8190
San Antonio, Texas
Headquarters Office 210-802-8640
Mailing Address 
13423 Blanco Rd. #244
San Antonio, TX 78216​
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The Healthcare CFO, LLC is not a CPA firm.
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